Our Purpose:
To lift up Christ in individual lives by promoting unity, intelligence and happiness in home and church; performing cheerfully the responsibilities of saving souls; and fostering missions.
Romans 12:1 & 2 (1) “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (2) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
The NSPBC Women’s Ministry meets the 1st Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. A portion of our meeting is dedicated to the studying of God’s Word.
Currently, we are studying, “Understanding Spiritual Gifts” written by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson. Upon completion, we will know what spiritual gifts are, where they come from, who has them, how they are received, and how they work within the church.
We make a quarterly donation to the “Yes, I Can Bible Club,” an after school program, that meets at AJ Rickoff. AJ Rickoff is a school in our Cleveland Mount Pleasant community.
We, also, send a quarterly donation to Pastor Ronald Wabwire of the “Live Again Ministries and Shalom Junior School” in Uganda, West Africa.
May 20th, the Youth Ministry and the Women’s Ministry joined together and held a “Mommy & Me Paint & Prayer Brunch.” It was a great time of fellowship and it was well attended! The creativity of those who painted a canvas was reflected in their finished artwork. Jessica Miles facilitated the event. She also led the group in discussion of what prayer is, why pray, and how we should pray. A delicious breakfast brunch was enjoyed by all!
May 21st, WOMEN’S DAY (Recap)Theme: “Women Reflecting the Glory of God” Matthew 5:16
It was a great time of worshipping and praising the Lord! Sister Fannie B. Stokes, our First Lady Elect, delivered a spirit filled message simply entitled, “Let it Shine!” She spoke about the different sources of light; natural light which is the sun, stars and electricity generated by storms. She also spoke about the light that is generated by humans, such as the lightbulb, candles, and lamps. She then compared those light sources to what Matthew 5:16 says, “You are the light of the World.” We should let our light shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven.
We were truly blessed by Sister Fannie B. Stokes’s message. Let us remember to let our light shine and not hide it under a bushel basket, so that others can see Christ in our daily walk!
Shoes & Clothes for Kids
Coordinator Sis. Sylvia McDavid
May 27th, We held a “Shoes & Clothes for Kids” distribution! Thank you to the following people who came out and helped with the setting up and taking down of the tables and displaying the items. Their help was deeply appreciated. Sisters: Kim Morton, Josephine Wentz, Lyvonne Amos, Rose Singleton, Chajuana Vance, Lindsey Vance and Brothers: Darrick Godbott Sr., DJ Godbott, and Cameron Williams.
President, Bettie Way