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A Greeting as Pastor

As we continue to seek first the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ and His righteousness, the New Sardis Church continues daily to grow to be a loving, caring, and praying congregation.  We do this as we engage in practical ministry within our local context through food give away, benevolence giving, having a trauma informed care approach to ministry, and providing hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In doing this, we are being sensitive to where God is at work and using what God has entrusted to us as stewards to effect positive change in our local and global community..

Our call, command, and commission in this new season of our congregation is as old as our faith and remains just as steadfast — to preach the whole gospel, to the whole person, for the whole world!

On Assignment for the Kingdom,
Elder Dr. Vincent E Stokes, II


The New Sardis Voice (Issue 16)

The New Sardis Voice Issue 16 .docx.pdf

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